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Work Proud - June 2023


At PLK Communities, we believe in recognizing outstanding individuals who exemplify our core values and contribute significantly to our team. We are delighted to announce Brian Graham, Lead Maintenance Technician at Elevation 800, as our June Work Proud recipient. In just a short time, Brian has made a remarkable impact on his team and showcased remarkable dedication, ownership, and unity. Join us in celebrating Brian's achievements and his commitment to excellence.

Going Above and Beyond:
Brian's colleagues and peers have showered him with praise, highlighting his exceptional work ethic and unwavering commitment to the PLK family. Whether it's tackling tasks with unwavering determination or demonstrating a selfless attitude, Brian consistently exceeds expectations. One nominator remarked, "Brian is constantly on the move. He never waits to get something done. He shows that if it is worth doing, it is worth doing well." Brian's willingness to go the extra mile and be a team player has made him an invaluable asset.

A True Team Player:
Since joining PLK Communities, Brian has embodied the true spirit of collaboration and unity. His colleagues commend his willingness to lend a helping hand and provide support wherever it's needed. Chad Bernhardt, Director of Maintenance, expresses his gratitude, stating, "He has gone above and beyond to make sure his property and properties around him have the coverage and proper support needed to get the job done." Brian's commitment to teamwork and his genuine care for those around him have made a lasting impression on his peers.

Embracing Core Values:
When asked about the key to his success, Brian emphasizes the importance of having an open mindset, learning from mistakes, and maintaining a positive attitude. His commitment to learning and taking calculated risks has undoubtedly contributed to his achievements. When identifying the core values that represent him best, Brian confidently chooses "Ownership" as his primary value. He treats every task as if it were his own, going above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. He also identifies "Drive" as another core value that motivates him to continuously improve and make a positive impact.

Beyond Work:
Brian's passions extend beyond his professional life. Italy tops his must-see destinations list, captivated by the country's rich history and breathtaking landscapes. This aspiration to explore new places and cultures reflects his curiosity and appreciation for the world around him.

Proud Moments at PLK:
Among the many highlights in Brian's journey with PLK Communities, one of his proudest moments stands out. Being nominated for the June Work Proud recognition within just 7 1/2 months of joining the PLK family is a testament to his exceptional work ethic and dedication. Brian expresses his gratitude to his colleagues, saying, "Thank you all for the nomination; it is greatly appreciated." This recognition underscores his remarkable contributions and serves as an inspiration to others.

Brian Graham's exceptional dedication, ownership, and teamwork have made him a standout member of the PLK family. His willingness to go above and beyond, coupled with his positive attitude and commitment to personal growth, sets him apart. We congratulate Brian on being named the June Work Proud recipient and extend our appreciation for his outstanding contributions to PLK Communities. We look forward to witnessing his continued success and the positive impact he will undoubtedly make in the future.