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Property Managers Calaya, Tim and Sam with Region Managers, Alicia, Carrie, and Chad



It's been two years since our last L.I.F.T (Leaders Inspiring Future Teams) meeting. On May 25th, all Property Managers, Maintenance Leads, Regional Managers and Executive Operations leaders gathered at The Oasis conference center for immersive leadership meeting.

L.I.F.T gives our company leaders the opportunity to be out of the office for the day to learn about leadership development and incorporating our core values into their everyday work life. They are encouraged to stretch their boundaries and use this time to further their skills with regard to team building and partnering with future leaders to more confidently take on larger roles within the organization. The day is filled with incredible stories, sharing best practices and recognition of both company and personal wins. We are grateful for this special time together as we head into the next phase of incredible company growth coupled with amazing career opportunities.