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Factory 52 Groundbreaking

We couldn't wait to unveil this video of our Factory 52 Groundbreaking! It is the largest groundbreaking celebration that we've ever planned, and we could not have pulled it off without the team at HGC Construction! From the site work to the signage and the small details in between they made the property look it's best! One-hundred-twenty people gathered in what was the old market hall and they got to see the true beauty of this historic structure. Thank you to MSA Design for bringing our vision one step closer to life! What's old will be new again... 

Thank you to the City of NorwoodNorwood Public Schools and the residents of Norwood for your continued support and excitement for this project! 

Thank you Peter Weisgerber at Weisgerber Productions for this incredible nod to Factory 52 and this historic site. 

#factory52 #factory52Norwood #PLKCommunities #LiveProudLivePLK #teamPLK #9Kx2029 #NorwoodOH #USPlayingCard #payinghomage #clocktower #rpmmoments 

click the link-----> Factory 52 Groundbreaking